Embark on a whimsical adventure with two young girls as they navigate their way through a fantastical institution in their quest to become the epitome of style! While one of them attends the prestigious School of Witches, the other is determined to master the enchanting art of fashion, with outfits so outstanding that even princesses will be green with envy. Experiment with unconventional materials like black leather, satin, and other unique fabrics to curate outfits that will leave everyone breathless, even the most spoilt of princes. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of magical fashion at the esteemed School of Magic!
Aid these two inseparable best friends in achieving the pinnacle of fashion by handpicking the perfect makeup, hairstyles, dresses, and accessories. Ensure your masterpiece is preserved by saving it as a PNG image. For computer users, utilise the functionality of the mouse clicks, whereas on touch screen devices, employ the touch controls for seamless navigation.