Embark on a thrilling and enchanting adventure in the besieged Sarens Valley, taking on the role of its guardian. Your primary objective is to safeguard the remaining survivors from countless enemies in this exhilarating battle game. Choose to embody one of the three elemental spirits, namely Ice, Fire, or Lightning, each possessing their own unique set of skills, and utilize them wisely to repel waves of adversaries. Although your foes are armed with magic, weapons, and even formidable golems, a combination of strategic thinking and exceptional dexterity will enable you to emerge victorious and reap the benefits that come with it. Engage in various challenging game modes, all the while immersing yourself in the visually-stunning graphics that will transport you to this epic conflict.
Unleash the magnificent forces of Ice, Fire, or Lightning within Sarens and become the beacon of hope for the imperiled valley!